National Chengchi University Bilingual and Multicultural Promotion Office

EMI Courses

Success case

What is an EMI course?

According to the bilingual learning plan for colleges and universities of the Ministry of Education, for EMI courses, the delivery of content, the interaction between students and teachers, the learning material, and the demonstration and assessment of learning outcomes (such as oral presentation, assignments, or tests) should be 100% in English.
For the latest update on available EMI Courses, please go to the Courses Search System and type “English” in the keyword section.

English-taught Programs (ETPs)

In order to enhance students' international competitiveness and cultivate talents with both English and professional abilities, NCCU further implemented the establishment of English Taught Programs (ETPs) in each college. This will help enhance students' English language proficiency and provide specialized courses taught entirely in English. 

For more ETP-related information, please visit the Office of Academic Affairs.

Raising Working Proficiency to Professional Language Proficiency

Aside from EMI courses, starting in the 2024 - 2025 academic year, the Foreign Language Center will implement a new plan to improve the overall structure of English courses with an emphasis on EGP, EAP and ESP courses as well as overall improvement in students’ language skills for a smooth transition to EMI courses. 

A. English for General Purposes (EGP)

All students will be divided into classes based on their respective colleges. However, due to significant differences in students’ English proficiency levels across the different colleges, this approach has a certain effect in terms of ability-based assignments. Additionally, special classes for overseas and foreign students will be created to accommodate their specific needs.

B. English for Academic Purposes (EAP)

Students who received a score of 15 or higher in the GSAT and an A grade in the English Listening Test will be directly placed into two courses within the EAP Module: Academic Listening and Speaking, and Academic Reading and Speaking.  Not only does this allow for placement most appropriate to their achievement levels, it also provides students who previously had exposure to EAP courses to be placed into EMI courses earlier.

C. English for Specific Purposes (ESP)

According to the needs of various school entities, there are plans for four ESP courses, optimizing students’ ability to connect in the professional workplace. Further specialized courses such as ESAP and EWP are also under planning.