National Chengchi University Bilingual and Multicultural Promotion Office



Strategies For Peer and Self Editing In and Out of the Classroom

活動日期: 2024/05/30(四)
時間:早上9:10~中午12:30 認證時數: 3小時    
講者姓名:Mr. Graham Oliver
講者現職:國立臺灣大學寫作教學中心兼任講師 Adjunct Instructor
Graham Oliver is a teacher, writer, and editor living in Taipei. He currently serves as an Adjunct Instructor at the Academic Writing and Education Center of National Taiwan University. His writing has appeared in Harvard Educational Review, Commonwealth Magazine/天下雜誌, Guernica, and elsewhere. His areas of interest include the teaching of writing, literature in translation, and video game narratives. He holds an MA in Rhetoric and Composition as well as an MFA in Creative Writing from Texas State University.

From grad school applications to social media posts to job cover letters to dating profiles to meeting notes to reports to letters home, writing is a foundational part of every person's life. Despite this, we rarely spend time on the art of proofreading and editing. Being able to give feedback to others and improve your own writing will offer a big advantage in the classroom, workplace, or even in your personal life.

No matter how famous a writer is, whether a journalist or scientist or novelist, their work goes through multiple levels of editing before it arrives in print. They might have a friend or their spouse read it, then a colleague, then a professional editor. If people who have been professional writers for decades know they benefit from this process, wouldn't you, as well?

In this workshop, we'll focus on tools for self-editing, best practices for editing others, and strategies for peer workshop sessions in the classroom. We'll talk about what your grammar check should be catching, and what it, Grammarly or ChatGPT might miss. You'll also have the opportunity to get attention on a piece of your own writing that you bring to the workshop.

9:00~9:10 Opening speech by Prof. Siaw-Fong Chung 
9:10~11:45 Workshop (Mr. Oliver Graham) 
11:45~12:15 An Introduction of the English Writing Tool: Writefull   (Yu-Che Yen, Ph.D. Student) new!
12:15~ 12:30 Q & A

Before attending the workshop, you can prepare a 300-600-word piece of writing. It can be anything. The writing will be used during the workshop. 
If you wish to receive feedback on the writing from the speaker, please upload your writing here: 

承辦單位:The EMI Resource Center
聯絡人:劉嫻慧 0229393091分機60328