National Chengchi University Bilingual and Multicultural Promotion Office



RTI Promotes International Communication Talent Development in Collaboration with NCCU's GCIT Program

【Article by Master's Program in Global Communication and Innovation Technology】
On May 30, Radio Taiwan International (RTI) organized an Open House event to respond to international media development trends and nurture elite international communication talents in Taiwan. The event welcomed faculty and students from communication-related departments at National Chengchi University, National Taiwan University, National Yang-Ming Chiao Tung University, National Taiwan Normal University, and Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology—additionally, the event aimed to promote international communication courses offered by RTI Academy widely.

Since its establishment in 1928, RTI has been Taiwan's only public media providing international broadcasting services. It has long broadcasted in Mandarin, Hakka, Taiwanese, and other languages such as English, Japanese, German, and French, promoting peaceful cross-strait exchanges and communication. To adapt to the digital age, RTI has recently pursued digital transformation. Besides launching podcast programs, RTI established the RTI Academy in January 2024 to enhance Taiwan's media innovation capabilities through educational training courses and cultivate professional international communication talents.

The Master's Program in Global Communication and Innovation Technology (GCIT) at National Chengchi University has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for industry-academia collaboration with RTI. Several students have interned at RTI and produced outstanding work. Both parties are planning more collaborative projects. Trisha Lin, Director of GCIT, stated that plans include developing online courses, holding academic seminars, and conducting practical workshops with RTI. These initiatives aim to enrich interdisciplinary integration courses, cultivate versatile bilingual talents in new media, and strengthen Taiwan's media resilience and innovation, thereby enhancing the international competitiveness of domestic communication talents.

RTI President Chang Jui-Chang has highlighted that Taiwan's strategic location and geopolitical significance have garnered considerable international attention in recent years, resulting in a growing need for individuals with solid international communication skills. The establishment of RTI Academy aims to nurture a new generation of communication professionals proficient in foreign languages and new media production, thus amplifying Taiwan's global presence. RTI Chairman Lai Hsiu-Ju also stressed the importance of evolving journalism in line with contemporary trends. RTI Academy will continue collaborating with academic and industry partners to become a premier international communication platform on par with renowned entities such as the BBC, Deutsche Welle, and Voice of America.

During the Open House event, faculty and students toured RTI's professional recording and photography studios. They experienced firsthand the processes of recording podcasts and working as news anchors. This immersive experience provided a comprehensive understanding of the practical aspects of international communication talent operations. RTI hopes to use educational training to cultivate a new generation of multilingual, versatile digital media talents, thereby enhancing Taiwan's visibility and voice on the international stage.

The Radio Taiwan International held an Open House event, inviting professors from communication-related departments at National Taiwan University, National Chengchi University, National Taiwan Normal University, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, and Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology to visit. First from the left is the President of RTI, Chang Jui-Chang, and fourth from the left is the Chairman of RTI, Lai Hsiu-Ju. (Photo by RTI Lih-Hwa Chiang)

GCIT faculty and students visited RTI, happily taking a group photo (Photo by GCIT)

At the RTI Open House event, professors were invited to the recording studio to produce a podcast. Prof. Trisha Lin, Director of GCIT (left), shared the advantages of GCIT in cultivating international communication talents.(Photo by GCIT)

Director Trisha Lin of GCIT entered the studio to record a video and introduced the GCIT international program. (Photo by GCIT)